Saturday, February 07, 2009

It's a miracle?

Tonight our pastor talked about how Jesus was not a miracle worker, meaning that that’s not what He was all about. Some people were disappointed when He didn’t work a miracle cure or some other wonderful thing, but when He did, it was for a specific purpose.

I thought about how when I was much younger, maybe eight, nine, ten years old, I used to pray for Jesus to make an appearance in my bedroom. I wanted Him to float down in a glowing ball like Glenda the Good Witch from Oz. Couldn’t He do that for me? Of course I was disappointed when it didn’t happen. In my little kid brain, though, I believed it was possible. Who was I that I merited such a heavenly apparition? Again, little kid brain did not take that into account.

Later on in life, I realized that He has made many appearances, in the form of the people He has brought into my life, beginning with wonderful teachers, continuing with good friends, insightful mentors, and strangers.

Especially the strangers. I’ve told you about Paige and Tabitha sharing their faith journeys with me. There have been other angels along the way, and I know there will be others, depending upon what I need in the future.

Even co-workers. On Friday, Yolanda, the woman who is a manager at work, just as I am, came into my office after a staff meeting, closed the door and said, “Let’s pray for Career Fair.” It was a good idea, since we are having a tough time convincing companies to invest in such a venture in this economy. So we prayed. She has such an eloquent Spirit—I wish I could pray as she does.

So did it work? Five more employers signed up that afternoon.

Then I got an email from a woman I met ten years ago, when e-commerce was just taking off. She was an HR manager for several start ups and had invited me downtown to see their offices. The CEO would dream up an idea for a dotcom and bang—it came into existence. One of his ideas was, the first on line bookstore, before Amazon. There were literally stacks of books in the corners of these rooms in his downtown Cleveland company. It’s gone now, subsumed by the big guys.

Anyway, over the years I had tried to contact this woman but she was always too busy to get back to me. I never forgot her, but I gave up. Then here comes this email, asking about registering her new company for the fair.

So I ask you, just how cool is our God?


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