Saturday, March 26, 2005

How would things be different?

This is Holy Saturday, the day between Good Friday and Easter. It's a good day to think about how our world might be very different if Easter never happened. Would all our cities resemble Pottersville, from "It's aWonderful Life", where the 'working poor' are crushed by avaricious landlords like Mr. Potter? Or would they descend into the hedonistic vision of "Back to the Future", where Biff uses the sports almanac to build a gambling empire? If we couldn't be 'good Christians', what would we be? How would we treat each other without Christ's example to emulate?

Take a look around at your world and imagine all the church spires gone, no minister to turn to in times of despair, no one to share your faith with, because you wouldn't have any to share. This is the one day when we can say "What if", and maybe come to a better appreciation of tomorrow's gift. Perhaps Easter is a better time than New Year's Eve to resolve to do better in the coming year, since it marks the beginning of our real New Year, our acceptance of salvation.

How would your life be different without Easter?


At 3/26/2005 9:28 PM, Blogger Jeff H said...

How would my life be different?

Perhaps, if someone were starving me to death because I was "inconvenient", there would be no one outside protesting the fact.

I am heartbroken. We are witnessing a passion play again, in Florida.


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